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Cooler. Healthier. Confident. Better.

Feel FODMAP Fabulous

Don’t FODMAP Alone! Get everything you need to get savvy about (and beat!) digestive issues— for life. Let’s do this together.

The FODMAP Doctor Book
The FODMAP Doctor Book

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Cooler. Healthier.
Confident. Better.

Feel FODMAP Fabulous

Don’t FODMAP Alone! Get everything you need to get savvy about (and beat!) digestive issues— for life. Let’s do this together.

Cooler. Healthier. Confident. Better.

Feel FODMAP Fabulous

Don’t FODMAP Alone! Get everything you need to get savvy about (and beat!) digestive issues— for life. Let’s do this together.


Cooler. Healthier.
Confident. Better.

Feel FODMAP Fabulous

Don’t FODMAP Alone! Get everything you need to get savvy about (and beat!) digestive issues— for life. Let’s do this together.

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What is the low FODMAP diet?

Maybe your doctor mentioned it, you saw it on social media, a friend told you about it or you heard about FODMAPs on the news. It’s not a fad, detox or quick fix. No, this low FODMAP (acronym for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols) diet thing has staying power.

If you’ve ever dealt with

A Bowel that’s “Irritable”

Reflux that’s Got You Up All Night

A Bloated Belly

An Aching Abdomen 

Digestive Issues that Keep You From Feeling Your Best

the low FODMAP diet might be exactly what your body needs.

Or…Struggling with fibromyalgia?
New studies show that going low FODMAP may be the answer to your pain.

Have a baby with colic and digestive issues?
If you’re a breastfeeding mom, eating the low FODMAP diet might be what your little one needs.

Love exercising, but it makes your digestive system go a little bit crazy?
Low FODMAP could be right for you.

So what is it? What is the low FODMAP diet?

The low FODMAP (pronounced fawd-map) diet is an evidence-based approach to food that can help put an end to digestive related pain and dysfunction.

Low FODMAP Coconut Granola Recipe

University based researchers in Australia discovered that certain carbohydrates ferment faster in the digestive tract than others. These fast fermenting foods are likely to cause symptoms in people who deal with irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive disorders like inflammatory bowel disease, exercise related digestive discomfort, colic and fibromyalgia.

Here’s the big idea. When you reduce the amount of highly fermentable carbohydrates in your diet, you reduce the bloating, pain, constipation, diarrhea, reflux, and overall discomfort. For real, it’s that’s simple.

And in good news, these awesome Australian researchers have now been able to pinpoint the foods that are most likely to be causing the problem. If you can eliminate these foods completely for a month or two, there’s a possibility that you can eliminate your condition…for good.

apple the fodmap doctor

After that initial elimination phase, you can slowly and methodically test specific carbohydrate groups and begin to reintroduce those groups one at at time.

And in good news, these awesome Australian researchers have now been able to pinpoint the foods that are most likely to be causing the problem. If you can eliminate these foods completely for a month or two, there’s a possibility that you can eliminate your condition…for good.

apple the fodmap doctor

After that initial elimination phase, you can slowly and methodically test specific carbohydrate groups and begin to reintroduce those groups one at at time.

Ever noticed that you can eat one food one day (and feel totally fine) but then feel totally wrecked when you eat it the next? It’s time you finally understand why.

As you begin to understand the FODMAP diet, you need to recognize that FODMAPs are dose-dependent. This means the higher the dose, the higher the likelihood that you’ll feel sick.

One day, your overall dose of FODMAPs may be low. So, that apple you ate or cheese or garlic or onions or pasta or whatever didn’t bother you. But the next day, your overall dose is just too high. Once you cross your personal threshold, symptoms are bound to follow.

FODMAP dose dependent carbohydrate

This is unlike an allergy where any exposure will trigger a reaction, and also why going totally low FODMAP for a period of time more or less allows your body time to reset. If you’ve got a true allergy to a food, you need to always completely avoid that food.

If you’ve got a condition like irritable bowel syndrome and are following a low FODMAP diet to manage it, you need to avoid that food for a period of time, but may be able to reintroduce it in small amounts in the future without experiencing any symptoms at all.

So what is the low FODMAP diet?

Bottom line: It’s a specific approach to food that involves reducing the amount of FODMAPs in your diet in order to change the landscape of your digestive tract.

Reducing fodmaps can reduce the amount of pain, discomfort and dysfunction you experience. It takes some effort to get started, but once you feel sweet relief, you’ll be ready to modify your approach to food and make healthy happen!